Welcome to The Lakes by YOO, where tranquillity meets transformation. Nestled amidst breath-taking natural beauty, our wellness retreats offer an unparalleled experience designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Just 90 minutes from London, our serene location provides the perfect escape for both individuals and corporate groups seeking a deeper connection with nature and themselves.

Corporate Retreats with a Difference

Elevate your corporate retreat with a bespoke program at The Lakes by YOO. Our expert team will work with you to design a retreat that combines team development activities with the restorative power of nature. Engage in workshops and exercises that foster team cohesion and personal growth, all while enjoying our 5-star hospitality. From mindful practices to adventurous outdoor pursuits, your team will leave with a renewed sense of purpose and unity.

Transformative Experiences with Leading Experts

At The Lakes by YOO, we regularly host special events led by world-renowned experts who guide you on a journey of personal growth and wellness. Dive into the invigorating practice of cold water immersion and breathwork, or explore the profound longevity teachings of Dr. Deepak Chopra. Our retreats are meticulously curated to provide transformative experiences that leave you feeling revitalized and inspired. If you are looking for the perfect destination to host your next retreat, enquire now.